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A journey like no other
In our busy lives how often do we permit ourselves the time to stop, think and reflect? Walk with us and feel a weight fall from your shoulders. The intrusions of the digital world will be kept at bay as you immerse yourself into a pristine coastal wilderness and explore its ever changing landscape.

The perfect surrounding
When we say this is an immersive experience we really mean it. The Homestead is located right in the heart of Deep Creek Conservation Park. Not only are you surrounded by native flora and fauna even when ‘off trail’ but you only unpack once for the duration of your journey.
Seasonal Fresh Produce
If an army marches on its stomach then surely it’s fair to say that our guests really look forward to the meals we present each day.
One of the hallmarks of the Southern Ocean Walk is the care we take in sourcing produce from local growers. We believe that this greatly adds to the immersive experience and enables you to gain a greater appreciation of the wider region that supports our walk.